Crockpot Cranberry Butter

8-1/2 cups


  • Yield: makes about 8-1/2 cups
  • 48-oz fresh cranberries, rinsed
  • 2 cups packed brown sugar
  • 1-1/2 cups white sugar
  • 2 whole cinnamon sticks
  • 2 cups apple cider


1. Put all the ingredients in a crockpot and stir to combine well. Turn on high. Let it cook for about 2 hours or until the cranberries are soft.

2. Remove the cinnamon sticks and puree the mixture in a food processor. Do this in two batches. Be careful as the mixture is hot, I cover the top opening of the machine with a dish cloth over the lid for safety sake. Let the machine run for a full minute to puree the cranberries very finely. (I use a Ninja and 30 seconds is plenty)

3. Force the cranberry puree through a mesh sieve or strainer. Push forcefully with the back of a spoon to get as much cranberry puree as you can. Discard the solids.

4. Pour the puree back into the crockpot. Turn the crockpot to high, and leave the lid ajar. Cook until thickened, approximately another 2 hours, stirring occasionally.

5. Put the cranberry butter into clean jars with tight fitting lids and let cool. Store in the refrigerator and consume within a month If you don’t plan to water bath or steam can this, then do half a recipe.

6. Canning instructions: Ladle into hot jars, to ¼” of top. Wipe rims, put on lids and bands. Process in water bath or steam canner for 10 minutes. Remove, let sit 24 hours, remove bands and store.

NOTE: Be sure to remove the cinnamon sticks before putting in the food processor

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Skip The Salt
If you are visiting our website it is probably because you want to or need to reduce the amount of sodium in your diet for a healthier lifestyle. Here at, we are label readers. We are constantly looking for nutritious and flavorful foods with the lowest sodium that we can find. We interact, we question, and we compliment and encourage each other. We are always working on converting recipes we come across, whether those passed down for generations or the latest trends, to make low sodium versions. Through this journey we become friends who support each other. We share because we care! We share pictures of the low sodium meals that we have prepared and if the sodium amount if known, that is posted as well. We share recipes that we have found and have made, noting changes made to make the recipe low sodium. We also give credit to the source where the recipe was found. We also share our own creations, listing the ingredients and sodium values. Life is complicated enough, eating shouldn’t be! With the help of members of our Facebook group we try to take the hassle out of living a low sodium lifestyle. Please share this site with your friends, family, and doctors. Also, please take a moment to read the disclaimer.


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